Environment EP1 – Modeling
Get it now on Gumroad!
I’ve been modeling this great environment in live streams on twitch and after + 100 hours, I’m proud to release Episode I.
In this tutorial you will discover and follow along how to model a complete environment in Maya, sculpting details in Zbrush
and adding assets from the megascan library.
A Special thanks to Kalindrogo, Wzx, Rudrik and my fellow followers Redcktl, Piva, Horus, Darkchojin, El_FamosoAlex, Eloumy.
Based on the original concept art by Seungjin Woo
#Environment #CGI #Courses #Gumroad #Autodeskmaya #Zbrush #Arnoldrender #Megascans #SubstancePainter
Discover it also on Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/JlLlEm
LIVE on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/skart_cg